How to install? – Video

How to install? – Text

1. Save the 3 files you downloaded in from the website where bought the addon in a safe folder on your drive. Name the folder “The Roads Must Roll”.

2. Open the Blender file, go to the header menu and click on: Edit > Preferences

3. Under File Paths > Asset Libraries, click on the “+” icon on the right

4. Select the folder where you saved the files earlier

5. Confirm by clicking “Add Asset Library”

6. For the Import Method I recommend “Append (reuse data)”.

7. Click on the three horizontal stripes in the bottom left corner and click on “Save Preferences

8. Close the preferences window and save your file by going to: File > Save

9. You can now close this file and open any other Blender File on your computer.

10. In the Blender file you want to use, change a window to the Asset Browser and choose “The Roads Must Roll” from the list of catalogs.

You will now see the thumbnails that represent the assets.

If you don’t see that catalog list: press “T” on your keyboard while hovering with your cursor above the Asset Browser window.

Just drag a thumbnail into your 3D viewport to import an asset.

Tips & Tricks

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I import a preset traffic junction in a way that I can still edit its individual elements?

1. Drag the preset thumbnail into your 3D viewport.

2. At the bottom left in the 3D viewport a collapsed pop-up window appears with the title “Add Collection”

3. Click this window open and uncheck “instance”. You will now be able to edit the individual objects in the collection.

I selected my own collection of cars, but I don’t see them appear on the road…

1. Select the road and in the modifier panel open the “Cars – General Settings” panel.

2. Check the checkbox that says “User Car Collection – On?”


How can I apply the main road modifier to a Bezier curve?

1. If you have not already done this: import the main road modifier from the Asset browser

1. Create a Bezier curve which is large enough to create a road (apply scale with “CTRL + A” if necessary)

2. Select this Bezier curve, go to the modifier panel and click on “Add Modifier” > “Geometry Nodes”

3. Click on the Nodetree icon next tot the button that says “new” and select “AA – TheRoadsMustRoll – Road A”

4. The main road modifier is now applied to your Bezier Curve